There's the Roskilde Festival that these days attracts not only scandinavians, but from all over Europe, its one of the biggest in its sort but nevertheless manages, thanks to thousands of local voluteers, to maintain an open and communal atmosphere. Musically Danmark reflects this opposition TO BE a thoughtful introverted and generally unassuming attitude Not to BE, extraverted, simplistic if not banal, it stands to reason that the latter have commercially been more succesful, home but certainly abroad. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.The cat will mew and dog will have his day.an old man is twice a child, Purpose is but the slave to memory. But Shakespeare' wouldnt be Shakespeare' if he hadn't added something more, the line, the curse of Hamlet, the curse of the Danes " TO BE or NOT TO BE " that's the question, or is it ? Well something is rotten in the state of Denmark, Murder most foul. The play was inspired by an old Danish myth of the Viking Prince Amled of Jutland, and his quest for vengeance against his father's killer. Whatever, by far the most famous Dane is actually a fictional character, Hamlet, the title character of William Shakespeare's famous play, which was set in the real castle of Kronborg in Helsingør. Or Karen "out of africa" Blixen or maybe babe Briggitte Nielsen xStallone is more your line of interest. More Anglo-Saxon coins from the Viking age have been found in Denmark than in England !įamous Danes, well if Neils Bohr rings a bell than you probably have heard of quarks aswell, it is however more likely that you know H. The Danish Vikings were most active in England and France where they temporarily conquered parts of England, known as the Danelaw, Ireland and France, giving name to the French region of Normandy. Viking explorers first discovered Iceland by accident in the 9th century, on the way towards the Faroe Islands and eventually came across "Vinland" (Land of wine) also known today as Newfoundland, in Canada. Together with Norwegians and Swedes, they colonised, raided and traded in all parts of Europe. The Kingdom of Denmark also encompasses two off-shore territories, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, both of which enjoy wideranging home rule.įrom the 8th to the 10th century, the Danes were known as Vikings.

Denmark became a constitutional monarchy in 1849 after having been an absolutist state since 1660, Having existed for more than 1000 years, the Danish Monarchy is one of the oldest in the world. Danmark is an extremely flat country, the highest point just 170m (570ft) above sealevel, Danmark belongs to the family of Scandinavian countries although not located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, its capital is Copenhagen.